February minutes
Held at St. John's Methodist Chapel schoolroom on the 8th February 2023
Present: -
Councillors: S. McMillan (Chair) R. Lukehurst (Vice Chair)
Y. Fletcher T. Williams
A. Winslow
Clerk: Mrs S. Booth
County Councillor McNally
Cllr McMillan welcomed everyone to the meeting. He explained the building was a no smoking venue and where the fire exits were located.
Apologies were received in advance from Cllr Cruickshank due to work commitments and Cllr Kerman due to other commitments. Proposed and seconded to accept apologies, all in favour. Resolved to accept apologies.
a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items
listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and
type of interest being declared. None.
b) To note dispensations given to any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items
listed below. None.
16/23 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING held on 17th January 2023
Had been previously circulated. Proposed by Cllr Fletcher and seconded by Cllr Lukehurst to accept the Minutes. All in favour. Resolved to accept minutes.
"These be adopted as a true record".
Thanks were given to the Council from residents for planning comments previously submitted. Resubmitted application on Thoresby Lane is worse for the residents than previous application with new dwellings closer, more overlooked and less privacy. Developer had been advised to soften design of development. Sewer connection for plot 6 is not permissible as privately owned. Badger sett present close to site, detrimental visual impact on landscape.
Blocked drain on corner of School Lane/Chapel Rd - Clerk to report.
a) ELDC - Hub is fully operational at Horncastle.
b) LCC - Shared prosperity funding £5,000 - £50,000 projects which benefit most residents. LCC budget 5% increase with £9 million from reserves and £7million allocated for roads. Louth active travel scheme being revised.
c) Outside representatives – No report.
19/23 Parish Council Matters - To discuss matters relating to the village.
a) To discuss additional structures at properties which may need planning permission - Cllrs to note any potential breaches of planning permission for submission to planning department later in year.
b) To discuss and approve quotes received to erect posts for speed sign. Quotes received from MDH Utilities and LRSP, £300/post and £200/post, third quote sought but not received. Proposed to accept MDH Utilities quote proposed by Cllr McMillan, seconded by Cllr Lukehurst, all in favour. Resolved to accept MDH Utilities quote. Clerk to arrange. Post locations approved by Vic Sleaford of LCC Highways, formal paperwork to be resubmitted.
c) To discuss and approve action on repairing posts around Market Place tree - A resident suggested removng the concrete posts and replacing with powder coated steel posts which if damaged can be repaired more easily. Clerk to contact Highways to clarify if steel posts would be permitted, quotes to be sought. Note to be submitted into Village Voice acknowledging broken posts and repair/replacement in hand. Clerk to contact Stagecoach with suggestion of using School Lane as route to Market Place rather than turning round at tree.
20/23 Financial report -
Expenses for Jan/Feb 23
Staff (Jan-Feb) Wages/Pension/Expenses (£174.60) £1330.98
HSBC 386/798 A/c Fees £ 8.00
St John's Chapel Room hire (Jan - April) £ 68.00
Anglian Water Allotment water bill £ 75.09
LALC Annual Subs £ 439.01
Receipts for Jan/Feb 23
Allotment holders Allotment rent £ 252.00
Bank balances as at 1/2/23
HSBC 793 £ 5,021.57
HSBC 386 £ 4,748.05
HSBC Money Market £ 14,101.58
Proposed to accept finances by Cllr Fletcher seconded by Cllr Lukehurst all in favour. Resolved to accept finances.
21/23 Extraordinary items
Toilets to be closed during half term. Cemetery land awaiting completion date. School parking issues - PCSO to be asked to attend in mornings. Verge in front of school damaged by truck emptying bin parking on grass, Clerk to report.
22/23 Next agenda item
King Coronation ideas, Scarecrow festival revival
23/23 Future dates
Thursday 9th March 2023
Thursday 13th April 2023
Wednesday 10th May 2023 (ACM), in the Chapel school room at 7.30pm.
24/23 To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session
Council decided not to go into closed session.
Meeting closed at 9.15pm