May ACM Minutes
Minutes of the Annual Council meeting of Tetney Parish Council.
Held on 12th May 2022, held in St. John's Chapel school room at 7.30pm.
Present:- Councillors: S. McMillan (Chair) R. Lukehurst (Vice Chair)
A. Winslow Y. Fletcher
J. Kerman
Clerk: S. Booth
Public: 0
1. Chairman's Welcome and Apologies received
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained it was a no smoking building and where the fire exits are.
Apologies were received from Cllr Williams, Cllr Cruickshank, Cllr Blagg and County Cllr McNally, all in favour to accept apologies. Resolved to accept the apologies.
2. Election of Chair
Cllr McMillan was nominated, proposed by Cllr Lukehurst and seconded by Cllr Fletcher for the position of Chair. All in favour. Cllr McMillan accepted the position. Resolved for Cllr McMillan to remain as Chair.
3. Election of Vice Chair
Cllr Lukehurst was nominated, proposed by Cllr Winslow and seconded by Cllr McMillan for the position of Vice- Chair. All in favour. Cllr Lukehurst accepted the position. Resolved for Cllr Lukehurst to be Vice Chair.
4. Declarations of Acceptance of Office
Cllr McMillan signed the Declaration of Office for Chair.
5. Minutes of the last meeting held on 4th May 2021.
Minutes had been previously circulated. Cllr Fletcher proposed and Cllr Kerman seconded accepting the minutes as a true and accurate recording of the meeting. All in favour, resolved to accept minutes.
6. Members Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct adopted in 2012 was re-issued. All in favour to accept Code of Conduct. Resolved to accept.
7. Annual Review of policies.
All council policies were circulated prior to the meeting and reviewed by Councillors. Cllr Fletcher proposed and Cllr Winslow seconded accepting all policies. All in favour. Resolved to accept all policies.
8. Programme of meetings.
Cllr McMillan proposed and Cllr Kerman seconded keeping the meeting schedule the same as previous year, second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in St. John's Methodist Chapel schoolroom, with no meetings held in August or December. All in favour. Resolved to keep meeting schedule the same.
9. Open forum.
No report.
Meeting closed at 7.35pm.