June 2019 Minutes


Held on the 13th June 2019 at St. John’s Methodist Chapel

Present: - Councillors:

T. Hill (Vice Chair)

Y. Fletcher

P. Hotchin

R. Lukehurst

A. Winslow

B. Maynard

T. Powell

S. Booth (Clerk)

Public: - 2


• Cllr Hill welcomed the Councillors to the meeting and thanked the Councillors for their continued commitment following the uncontested parish election. He outlined where Fire exits and extinguishers were situated, where to assemble in an emergency, that the building was a “No smoking” establishment and that the Council policy folder was available at the rear of the room.


• Apologies were received in advance from Cllr McMillan due to other commitments. Proposed to accept apologies by Cllr Maynard, seconded by Cllr Powell. All in favour. Resolved to accept. Cllr McMillan is also the District Cllr.


a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None

b) To note dispensations given to any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. None


• Had been previously circulated. It was proposed by Cllr Lukehurst and seconded by Cllr Fletcher to accept the Minutes. Resolved to accept minutes. These be adopted as a true record’.


A presentation was made to Cllr Holden on his retirement from the Council. He has served loyally on the Parish Council for 32 years (1987-2019). Cllr Hill presented Cllr Holden with a gardening fork and spade, a David Austin rose bush and a bouquet of flowers. An offer of thanks and gratitude was made for his many years of service to the residents and community of Tetney.

A resident came to speak with the Council about his proposed plan for 2 detached houses to replace existing derelict barns. He has previously had planning permission refused and came to address the Council about any concerns they may have and what strategies he has in place to counter those concerns. The resident has spoken with his neighbours who are all happy with the proposal. The Parish Council expressed concerns with drainage/sewage issues in the area and that smaller properties are needed rather than large ones. Resident stated he had been advised by ELDC and planning consultants that 2 detached properties would be more in keeping with the street scene and would have less impact on the drainage system. It was suggested that the resident look into septic tanks to avoid putting pressure on the drainage system. The resident also said he owned the field at the rear of his property and that could be used for soakaways.


• Completed auditor sent to external auditor and put on website.
• Put in planning comments.
• Resent Orsted traffic management letter to LCC.
• Reported pothole near Norburns (ref 350909), Thoresby Rd disintegration (ref 350910) and footpath outside 1 Stoney Way uneven (ref 350912)
• Ordered bin for outside school.
• Updated notice board posters.
• Updated and signed policies.


a) ELDC – Report received from Cllr McMillan read out by Clerk. Cllr McMillan has contacted the CEO of Evergreen Group which now owns the wind turbines at Bishopthorpe. A fund has been set up with a charity called On Side, they will receive £100,000 per year for 25 years. On –Side set up and run youth centres for under privileged children. The centre will be set up in Grimsby’s East Marsh area. Eventually a mini bus may be used to transport children to the centre in the middle of Grimsby, however it is very unlikely parents from Tetney would allow their children to travel into Grimsby on their own or to use this facility. Cllr McMillan strongly stressed to the CEO that this would not benefit anyone from local area who have to live with the turbines and communication for the delivery of the fund should have continued with the Parish Council after ASC Renewables sold the project on. Cllr Fletcher asked for this to be given in writing as a legal case may be pursued in the future.

ELDC have advised that removal of graffiti is now down to the owner of structures. Clerk to purchase graffiti removal product for the bus shelter.

ELDC have stated that 2 sites have been allocated in the Local Plan for development within Tetney. Field 51a on Humberston Road between Staves Court and Cedar Park has an allocation of 32 houses and Maddison’s field at the bottom of Northolme has an allocation of 15 houses. Unfortunately there is no limit on windfall sites (sites which are developed independently).

b) LCC – No report.

c) Outside representatives – Cllr Hill reported it is National Carer’s week. Cllr Hill was voted NE Lincs volunteer of the year again.

Cllr Fletcher reported the school summer fair is on Friday 12th July 2.30pm – 4.30pm. There are currently 89 children on roll with new teachers and a new class for September.


*All applications comments are available to view at www.e-lindsey.gov.uk

**Applications may not be discussed at meetings due to deadlines and lack of internet connection to allow viewing of plans.

a) Planning applications received

N/178/00797/19 Golf Club Object to remove existing hedge

N/178/00838/19 Mr Brown Object, access dangerous

N/178/00831/19 Golf Club Awaiting comments

N/178/00939/19 Southlands No objections

N/178/00919/19 Golf Club 30mph zone extension

b) Planning decisions received

N/178/00358/19 Mr Mager Approved


a) Tetney Lock – Amber flood alert active for Tetney Lock.

b) Village Hall/Toilets – Toilets will be shut on Wednesday 19th June. Progress with plans for new toilets at the hall are slow. New ideas have come forward which will be harder to implement but be better in the long term. The zip wire needs re-tensioning and the seat hasn’t been replaced.

c) Cemetery, Churchyard and Jubilee Gardens –Headstone additional inscription approved for the late Mavis Stocks. Debate on whether to increase size of headstone for between two single plots. It was proposed and seconded to increase the headstone width to 3 foot for side by side plots, vote taken 2 in favour, 5 against. Proposal to increase to 2’6” wasn’t seconded. Agreed to remain at max 3 foot high by 2 foot wide. Height is from ground to top of memorial. Clerk to check sizing on existing memorials.

Clerk to ask Cllr McMillan to speak with Mr Mager again regarding properly removing the mound so it can be seeded in the autumn.

Clerk to ask contractor to cut Chapel and cemetery hedge.

d) Allotments – No report.

e) Footpaths, roads, trees, lighting and fly tip – Clerk to ask contractor to quote for 4 additional cuts to the public footpaths between Chapel Rd and Stoney way, Stoney Way to North End Road and North End Road to Inghams Road.

f) Dog foul, litter bins, benches and notice boards – Litter bin has been delivered, Cllr Hill and Cllr Lukehurst to install.

g) Correspondence and website – The Market Place tree has been nominated by a resident for the Woodland Trust Tree of the Year.

h) To discuss LNT proposal for a pontoon at Tetney Lock - Discussion took place over practicalities of the Parish Council purchasing land from an unknown landowner. Whilst the Councillors all agreed a pontoon would possibly be beneficial to the area, most Cllrs agreed the LNT should be trying to purchase the land themselves rather than pushing for the Parish Council to buy it then have it handed over to them. It was proposed and seconded that the Parish Council should not be involved in the purchase of land on behalf of the LNT, vote taken 5 in favour, 2 abstained. Resolved NOT to purchase land for the LNT.


Financial matters

a) Expenses accrued in May/June (13/6/19) unless otherwise stated)

Clerk’s salary £ 530.50p

Clerk’s expenses £ 150.40p

Caretaker £ 200.00p

Contractor £ 625.00p

Nest Pension £ 76.67p

Glasdon Litter bin £ 441.60p

St John’s Chapel Room hire £ 17.00p

b) Receipts

Kettles Burial Fee (Mr Brandreth) £ 130.00p

Mr/s Burnay Burial Plot £ 265.00p

Miss Burnay Burial Plot £ 265.00p

Leakes Additional Inscription £ 95.00p

c) Bank Balance

Treasurer’s Account 793 £ 5,074.09p

Business Money Manager Account 386 £ 8,780.92p

Money Market Account 113 (former NS&I) £ 13,812.95p

Proposed by Cllr Maynard and seconded by Cllr Fletcher. ‘These sums be paid’.

Carried unanimously

85/19 Extraordinary items (for information purposes only)

Invite Anglian Water to attend a meeting to discuss drainage/sewage issues in Tetney.

86/19. Next Agenda

87/19 Future dates,

Thursday 11th July 2019

Thursday 12th September 2019

Thursday 10th October 2019, in the Chapel school room at 7.30pm


Council decided not to go into closed session. Meeting finished at 9.15 pm.