February 2019 Minutes


Held on the 7th February 2019 at St. John’s Methodist Chapel

Present: - Councillors:

S. McMillan (Chair)

Y. Fletcher

T. Hill

B. Holden

P. Hotchin

T. Powell

R. Lukehurst

S. Booth (Clerk)

Public: - 0 + County Cllr McNally and District Cllr Watson


• Cllr McMillan welcomed the Councillors and public to the meeting. He outlined where Fire exits and extinguishers were situated, where to assemble in an emergency, that the building was a “No smoking” establishment and that the Council policy folder was available at the rear of the room.


• Apologies were received in advance from Cllr Winslow and Cllr Maynard. Proposed to accept apologies by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Holden. All in favour. Resolved to accept.


a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. Cllr Holden item 25/19e Roads – Orsted.

b) To note dispensations given to any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. None


• Had been previously circulated. It was proposed by Cllr Holden and seconded by Cllr Hill to accept the Minutes. Resolved to accept minutes. These be adopted as a true record’.



• Sent out allotment rent letters
• Emailed Village Hall booking Christmas Fair date
• Sent precept form in.
• Booked excel training course
• Returned headstone application to co-op.
• Informed Village Hall booking secretary not using hall in future.
• Updated and circulated cemetery fees and uploaded to website.
• Wrote to Wells Plant Hire re condition of Station Rd.
• Booked Chapel for meeting in Feb and gave dates for rest of year.
• Sent requested details to LCC for Highways meeting.


a) ELDC – Rt Hon Claire Perry MP to write to developers of Bishopthorpe wind farm asking them to contact Cllr Watson re the community fund. £370 still available in the Councillor Community grant fund. Tetney Rainbows have received a grant. Deadline for applications is 28th Feb 2019.

b) LCC – Cllr McNally to look into Cllr Holden request for Chinese lanterns to be banned. North Sea Observatory won architectural award.

LCC budget to be set this month and will be going up by 4.95%.

Highways walk around with Cllr McNally and Andrew Ratcliffe – Highways Manager East Division. Cllr Richard Davies, Portfolio Holder for Highways and Cllr Perraton-Jones did not attend. Cllr McNally to receive feedback from the tour next week. Roads and footpaths will not be completed until all housing has been finished.

Road sweeping can be enforced if part of the planning conditions.

c) Outside representatives – School head sent school newsletter and asked for volunteers to judge World Book Day competition. Cllr Hill, Cllr Powell and Cllr Lukehurst to be judges.


*All applications comments are available to view at www.e-lindsey.gov.uk

**Applications may not be discussed at meetings due to deadlines and lack of internet connection to allow viewing of plans.

a) Planning applications received

b) Planning decisions received

N/178/02454/18 Mrs Harvey Approved


ELDC - Planning Committee hearing on 14th Feb.

25/19 Parish Council matters

a) Tetney Lock – No report.

b) Village Hall/Toilets – Village Hall keys handed to Cllr Lukehurst to return to Village Hall committee. Village Hall committee, via Cllr Lukehurst, offered thanks to the Parish Council for informing them of change of venue for meetings and they understood the reasons behind the move.

c) Cemetery, Churchyard and Jubilee Gardens – Headstone for Mrs Norton approved. Quote received from tree surgeon to lift paving slabs, grind willow tree roots and replace slabs. Slabs are not to be replaced after work completed so further quote requested. Tarmac quotes to be sought.

d) Allotments – Rent letters to be sent out. 1 full size plot and 1 half plot still vacant. Poster to be created to advertise plots. Cllr Lukehurst to source liner to cover half plot to supress weeds.

Man heard exercising dogs on allotment field which is prohibited. Letter to be sent if man is identified.

Allotment holder put CCTV sticker on allotment sign, holder informed this is not legally allowed and sticker was removed.

e) Footpaths, roads, trees, lighting and fly tip – Grit bins in place and filled by Cllr Holden and son. Grit bins added to insurance and fixed asset list.

Footpath outside Willowside, Holton Rd has been slurry sealed and may be done again. Street light not working opposite allotments – Cllr Fletcher to report. Potholes on Holton Rd and at cemetery have been filled.

Cllr Fletcher and Cllr Lukehurst attended information event held by Orsted re on shore cabling routes. Planning application for Beam Station compound went in last week. Work to start in March. Archaeological finds to be taken in to school. HGV’s to travel along Station Rd, Market Place, Humberston Rd to Beam Station. Also Station Rd to Holton Rd then use internal road to Beam Station. Orsted have stated they will not use internal roads from Station Rd through to Beam Station, although this is parish council preferred route. Clerk to write to Andrew Ratcliffe, LCC Highways Manager East Division to ask for Holton Rd to be removed from route.

Thoresby Rd subsidence to be repaired. Carriageway repairs needed on A16 at Fotherby and Waithe. Pothole on North End Rd and subsidence on Tetney Lock Rd, Clerk to report.

f) Dog foul, litter bins, benches and notice boards – Notice board brochure to be circulated.

g) Police matters and website – Clerk to update website.


Financial matters

a) Expenses accrued in Jan/Feb19 (paid 7/2/19) unless otherwise stated)

Clerk’s salary £ 488.96p

Clerk’s expenses £ 139.40p

Caretaker £ 200.00p

Nest Pension £ 85.00p

TVH&PFA Hall Hire (Jan) £ 15.00p (paid 11/1/19)

GBM Confidential waste £ 36.00p (paid 22/1/19)

b) Receipts

Allotment Holders 6 x Full plot £ 132.00p

Allotment holder 4 x half plot £ 44.00p

c) Bank Balance

Treasurer’s Account 793 £ 5,000.56p

Business Money Manager Account 386 £ 8,930.78p

Money Market Account 113 (former NS&I) £ 13,812.95p

Proposed by Cllr Powell and seconded by Cllr Lukehurst. ‘These sums be paid’.

Carried unanimously

27/19 Extraordinary items (for information purposes only)

Cllr Hill and Cllr Powell informed the council they will be standing down at the elections in May.

Cllr Fletcher asked if Cllr Holden would like to be nominated for the Buckingham Palace garden party next year and for the Long Service Achievement Award at LALC AGM. Cllr Holden accepted the proposal.

Clerk to attend clerk election briefing at ELDC.

28/19. Next Agenda

29/19 Future dates,

Thursday 14th March 2019

Thursday 11th April 2019

Thursday 9th May 2019, in the Chapel school room at 7.30pm.


Council decided not to go into closed session. Meeting finished at 9.25pm.