September 2019 Minutes


Held on the 13th September 2018 at Tetney Village Hall

Present: - Councillors:

B. Maynard (Vice Chair)

R. Lukehurst

Y. Fletcher

T. Hill

P. Hotchin

B. Holden

T. Powell

S. Booth (Clerk)

Public: - 0 + County Cllr McNally & Dist. Cllr Watson


• Cllr Maynard welcomed the Councillors and public to the meeting. He outlined where Fire exits and extinguishers were situated, where to assemble in an emergency, that the building was a “No smoking” establishment and that the Council policy folder was available at the rear of the room.


• Apologies were received in advance from Cllr Winslow and Cllr McMillan, due to other commitments. Proposed to accept apologies by Cllr Lukehurst, seconded by Cllr Hill. All in favour. Resolved to accept.


a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None

b) To note dispensations given to any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. None


• Had been previously circulated. It was proposed by Cllr Fletcher and seconded by Cllr Lukehurst to accept the Minutes. Resolved to accept minutes. These be adopted as a true record’.

112/18. OPEN FORUM

No report.


• Submitted planning comments for Thistledome, Golf Club, Evergreen Nurseries, Todd, Amos, and Ceder Park.

• Wrote to LRSP requesting an archer survey.

• Booked Cllr Maynard on to the LALC AGM.

• Send allotment contract to Mr Mumby.

• Reported trees obstructing village sign on Station Rd (ref FS-case-811484262)

• Looked into BACs payments.


a) ELDC – Cllr Watson attended meeting with the current Police & Crime Commissioner who was positive about policing in Lincolnshire and promoted the community speed watch project. Clerk to write to PCC re the problems we have faced getting the scheme set up with lack of information from the Policing team. ELDC capital assets worth £80m not including land, ELDC will not repair any asset up for sale. Community grant still available, funds have been given to the Chapel and the Village Hall. Bishopthorpe wind turbine community fund still being pursued.

b) LCC – North Hykeham relief road will join the Lincoln eastern bypass when completed eventually. Government consulting LCC about fracking. LCC challenging government over the consultation process as it is cutting local residents out of the debate. Joint waste strategy agreed by all parties now to be agreed by the district councils within Lincolnshire. A more uniform waste/recycling collection to be introduced so all parts of Lincolnshire have the same waste collected, food waste trial to be increased to other areas.

“Fix my street” app available on smartphones and gives immediate location, easier to use than website.

Pothole repair time has increase from 30 days to 90 days.

Highways walk about in Tetney in October, Cllr McNally to be informed of any major areas/issues which need visiting.

North Sea Observatory owned by LCC but ELDC have put parking charge on car park and closed public toilets.

c) Outside representatives – School to hold a MacMillan coffee morning on Friday 28th September, 10-12pm. All welcome.


*All applications comments are available to view at

**Applications may not be discussed at meetings due to deadlines and lack of internet connection to allow viewing of plans.

a) Planning applications received

N/178/01253/18 Evergreen Nurseries Access, safety – object

N/178/01412/18 Thistledome No objections, drive to be paved not gravel

N/178/01473/18 Golf Club No objections, concern work started

N/133/01509/18 JH Todd No objections

N/178/01397/18 Mrs Amos No objections

N/178/01565/18 Ceder Park Object to block paving

N/178/01776/18 Golf Club Awaiting comments

b) Planning decisions received

N/178/01362/18 Outholme Fm Approved

N/178/01240/18 Evergreen Nurseries Refused

N/178/01412/18 Thistledome Approved


LALC 2017/18 AGM report

LALC Councillor networking day

117/18 Parish Council matters

a) Tetney Lock – White lines have been replaced, thanks offered to Cllr McNally for arranging this.

b) Village Hall/Toilets – Chairman of Village Hall has approached the caretaker asking for a key to the toilets so the footballers can use the facilities, they are normally open. Key request refused. Clerk to write to Village Hall committee stating Council employees should not be approached or threatened and any requests to council should be made through the proper channels.
Dist. Cllr Watson gave funds to Village Hall to have disabled toilets plans drawn up. Hardcore to form extra car parking space.

c) Cemetery, Churchyard and Jubilee Gardens – Application for headstone to be removed, cleaned and re-fixed at current standards, approved. An incident involving the contractor whilst strimming round posts in Jubilee Gardens, stone flew up and broke residents van window, incident resolved between contractor and resident. The edge of grass outside the posts is covered with gravel and contractor is concerned this will happen again and has suggested the outer are is weed-killed rather than mowed or strimmed or left to nature. All in favour of weed-killing outside the posts.

Visitors to cemetery are dumping waste on tree stump chippings, Clerk to create new sign.

d) Allotments – No report.

e) Footpaths, roads, trees, lighting and fly tip – A1031 to be closed on Sunday 16th Sept for Humberston ½ marathon between 9.30pm – 12pm. Westlands Ave residents has reported cars parking on grass verge, however the PC has no powers to stop this. Tree at cross roads still not been trimmed, clerk to report again. Thoresby Road 30mph sign obscured by trees, clerk to report. Clerk to email Cllr McNally regarding grit bins. Clerk to send Cllr Fletcher email contact details for ELDC enforcement officer who dealt with the half built house on Humberston Rd. Clerk to report fly tip on Holton Rd and Hoop End.

f) Dog foul, litter bins, benches and notice boards – Dog bin near Church has been moved to outside Crosby House, Church Lane, Clerk to ask builders to ensure they return it asap after they have finished.

g) Police matters and website – See item 114/18a

h) Speed awareness radar gun – See item 114/18a

i) To discuss road name suggestion for development on Station Rd – “Paddock View” – Suggestions made included “Station approach” and “Ingoldby’s Fold” Councillors agreed Paddock View was acceptable.

j) Christmas Fair – Invites to be sent out, tree lights to be checked, sign to be altered, school choir to attend, Rainbow Corner owner invited to have stall.


Financial matters

a) Expenses accrued in Aug/Sept 2018 (paid 13/09/18 unless otherwise stated)

Clerk’s salary £ 613.70p

Clerk’s Expenses (inc Home use, phone etc) £ 109.00p

Caretaker £ 200.00p

Contractor £ 625.00p

Nest Pension £ 85.00p

C. Saxton Plumber (Allot leak) £ 40.00p (paid 10/8/18)

b) Receipts

Co-op Funeral Plot/burial Fee (Norton) £ 370.00p

ELDC Precept £ 8,750.00p

NDP committee Account closure £ 60.00p

c) Bank Balance

Treasurer’s Account 793 £ 5,009.52p

Business Money Manager Account 386 £ 15,104.74p

Money Market Account 113 (former NS&I) £ 13,772.90p

Proposed by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Lukehurst. ‘These sums be paid’.

Carried unanimously

119/18 Extraordinary items (for information purposes only)

Payment of clerks wages by BACS to be trialled. Clerk to set up.

Cllr Hill volunteered to be the contact for the Emergency Plan.

Clerk to contact Phillips66 re emergency table top exercises.

120/18. Next Agenda

121/18 Future dates,

Thursday 11th October 2018

Thursday 8th November 2018

Thursday 10th January 2019, in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.


Council decided not to go into closed session. Meeting finished at 9.15pm.