Standing Orders

1) ELDC planning permission to be completed by the return date. If this falls between meeting dates it is to be reviewed by the sub-committee of at least 4 Councillors, who will write any comments on the front of the envelope or by email and pass onto the next Councillor or back to the Clerk to process.

2) Planning applications from ELDC to be kept for 3 months and comments to be e-mailed to planning department.

3) In the case of an amended plan being put before the council, the previous plan and reply is available on the planning portal.

4) Communication of official business by e-mail is to be encouraged in order to keep costs down. Where necessary, a hard copy to be kept on file for records of being sent.

5) All mail to be sorted prior to the meeting by the Clerk, and categorised as:-

a) Circulars – may be of interest to some councillors

b) Information - may require some action,

c) Distribution to Councillors,

d) Action - requires action by the council.

6) The written minutes to be kept for an indefinite period of twelve months and brought to each meeting.

7) Annual Council Meeting shall be held in May of each year or in an election year it shall be held on or within 14 days from when new Councillors take office.

8) Four members of the Parish Council shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the Council.

9) Members shall vote by show of hands or, if at least 2 members so request, by signed ballot.

10) The person presiding at the annual meeting must give the casting vote whenever there is an equality of votes in an election for Chairman.

11) A member may ask the Chairman or Clerk any question concerning the business of the Council, provided 3 clear days notice of the question has been given to the person to whom it is addressed.

12) All members must observe the Code of Conduct which was adopted by the Council.

13) Where more than 2 persons have been nominated for a position and the votes given shows there is not an absolute majority, the name of the person having the least votes shall be struck off the list and a fresh vote taken until a majority is reached.

14) A minimum of 2 quotes shall be obtained for work over £250, the lowest quote usually being accepted. Local businesses to be supported whenever possible. The unbiased advice of Councillors may, on rare occasions, mean the second lowest quote being accepted.

15) Tender conditions are as follows:

i) Advertise for work via newspapers, posters and other media.

ii) Clerk to produce, issue and receive back all tender applications.

iii) Use previously approved list of contractors for any works.

iv) Clerk to work/correspond with all contractors.

v) Tenders to be opened in closed session, any Councillor with an interest must leave the meeting and may not take part in the vote.

16) Members of the Council to show superior level of professionalism at all times.

17) Councillors to be respectful to all fellow Council members, the Clerk and members of the general Public.

18) Upkeep of official records is the responsibility of the Clerk and not Councillors unless previously agreed in order to aid the Clerk.

19) Before each meeting safety rules must be established for the protection of everyone at Parish Council meetings, eg. location of fire exits and no smoking building.

20) Clerk has authority to make payments up to £150.

21) Agendas to be sent to all Council members 3 clear days before the meeting.

22) Agenda to be sent to principle authority members (District/County) 3 days before the meeting.

23) Draft Minutes to be circulated to all Parish Council members prior to the next meeting for review.

24) Draft minutes to be uploaded to parish website within 30 days of the meeting.

25) Approved Minutes to be circulated to principle authority members as soon as convenient to the Clerk.

26) The public have the right to record and tweet meetings and use social media for the purpose of reporting meetings, however if out of courtesy the public can inform the Parish Council beforehand of their intention then adequate provision will be made to facilitate them, although prior notice is not a pre- requisite.

27) Any members of the public who cause a disturbance through the recording of meetings will be asked to leave.

28) Special dispensation given by the Council as a whole to all Councillors for the setting of the annual precept.

29) Payment of electricity bill to be made by Direct Debit, all other payments to remain being paid by cheque.

30) Meetings will take place on the second Thursday of each month, except in December and August when there will not be a meeting. Meetings to be held in the village hall at 7.30pm.

31) Electronic payment of Clerk’s wages and expenses to be implemented by the Clerk.

32) Clerk to choose best interest rate and term available for the Money market account.

33) All payments are to be made electronically by the Clerk, Clerk has authority to make payments.