January Minutes
Held at St. John's Methodist Chapel schoolroom on the 13th January 2025
Present: -
Councillors: S. McMillan (Chair) Y. Fletcher J. Kerman R. Lukehurst R. Coles M. Anderson A. Winslow
Clerk: S. Booth
Public: 1
Cllr McMillan welcomed everyone to the meeting and wished them a happy new year. He explained the building was a no smoking venue and where the fire exits were located. Cllr McMillan started the meeting with the sad news that Mrs Phyllis Crowson had sadly passed away at the weekend. Mrs Crowson was a long standing and much respected member of the community who contributed greatly to the village for more than 90 years. A one minute silence was held.
All Councillors present.
a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items
listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and
type of interest being declared. Cllr Coles item 9/25(d), Cllr Fletcher item 9/25(e).
b) To note dispensations given to any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items
listed below. Dispensations given to all Councillors for item 7/25 as per Standing Orders.
4/25 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING held on 20th November 2024
Had been previously circulated. Proposed by Cllr Kerman and seconded by Cllr Anderson to accept the Minutes. All in favour. Resolved to accept minutes.
"These be adopted as a true record".
a) ELDC - Garden waste subscriptions are open for renewal £52.50 per year for 21 collections. There is still £200 left in the Cllr grant scheme fund for any community group wishing to apply, funds need to be allocated by end of February 2025.
b) LCC - Young Carers scrutiny report issued. It is believed there are more than 7000 young carers in the county with only 400 having been identified. LCC are reaching out to other organisations including schools asking for help to identify the young carers and to get them any support they may need. ELDC were the lowest district at identifying young carers. Council tax recommended increase of 3% with £9m in reserves. Local elections may not go ahead in many areas across the country due to the devolution process but currently LCC are 99% sure local elections in Lincolnshire will take place in May along with the election for Lincolnshire Mayor. Gritting routes and the free tonne bag of grit were discussed (see also item 11/25).
c) Outside representatives – FOTPS meeting next week to review Christmas activities.
7/25 ANNUAL PRECEPT- Financial figures previously circulated. Proposed to increase precept to £40,000 by Cllr McMillan, seconded by Cllr Coles. Vote taken, all in favour. An increase of £0.56p per month for a Band D property. Resolved: To increase precept to £40,000. Clerk to inform ELDC.
8/25 CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLOR - Application for co-option received from Mr Andrew Moorby. Proposed and seconded to approve co-option. Resolved: To co-opt Mr Moorby onto the Parish Council. Declarations of Office was signed and Cllr Moorby joined the Parish Council immediately. Further paperwork was given to Cllr Moorby for completion and return.
a) Moving the flagpole within Jubilee Gardens - 3 quotes sourced, 1 quote received. Cllr McMillan proposed, seconded by Cllr Coles to accept the 1 quote for £1470, all in favour. Resolved: To accept the quote and move the flagpole. Clerk to contact G. Fawcett and ask him to speak with the tree warden before any work is carried out.
b) Christmas Fair review. - A successful event with plenty of money raised for village groups. Hall booked for Saturday 29th November 2025. Choir couldn't be heard due to no PA system, Cllr Anderson to look into a PA system for the event. Cllr Fletcher suggested hiring the Salvation Army brass band, Clerk to get quote, Cllr Coles to approach the Market Rasen silver band for a quote. Clerk to send out a "Save the date" letter to community groups so they are aware well in advance of the date. The tree lights tripped out 5 times during the festive period due to the lamps being waterlogged. Mr Kane Ramsey volunteered his time and cherry picker to replace 28 lamps (see item 11/25). Cllr Lukehurst proposed, seconded by Cllr Winslow to buy more replacement lamps, all in favour. Resolved: To order replacement lamps. Clerk to order more lamps from EWS.
c) Talking together Christmas meal - A successful event with 33 meals served. St. John's Chapel hosted and financed through grants from District Cllr McMillan (£300) and the Parish Council (£162 + £108 for a small gift each), The Crown & Anchor at Tetney Lock provided the meal, a homemade card for everyone from a Chapel member was given out and an individual table arrangement was made for everyone and donated by Mrs J. Hind. The Spar shop donated drinks and accessories.
d) Allotment rent review - Cllr Coles declared an interest. Proposed by Cllr Winslow, seconded by Cllr Moorby to keep the fees the same, £30/£15 for a full/half plot respectively. New contracts to go out end of January. 2 tenancies to be given up and waiting list people to be contacted at renewal time. 3 people on the waiting list. Resolved: To keep fees the same at £30/£15 respectively.
e) Cemetery fees review - Cllr Fletcher declared and interest. Cemetery fees previously circulated. Proposed by Cllr Anderson, seconded by Cllr Coles to increase all fees by varying amounts. Vote taken, all in favour with 1 declared interest. Resolved: To increase cemetery fees by varying amounts.
f) Chairman's bursary fund - Cllr Coles proposed a discretionary Chairman's bursary of £500 to be included in the budget, seconded by Cllr Anderson. All in favour. Resolved: To include in the budget a Chairman's bursary of £500 per year.
g) Retrospective approval of bin installation payment - Proposed to accept retrospectively the quote of £500 for the new bins to be installed and the existing bins to be secured to the ground by Cllr McMillan, seconded by Cllr Fletcher. All in favour. Resolved: To approve payment retrospectively for the bins to be secured. Green bin at the pub bus shelter has disappeared.
Expenses for Dec 24/Jan 25
Staff Wages/Pension/HMRC/Expenses (£228)£1,266.99
TPF & VHA Hall hire (Christmas fair) £ 40.00
St John's Chapel Christmas meal donation £ 162.00
E.On Toilet electric £ 152.19
HSBC Account fee £ 8.00
HSBC Cheque paying in charge £ 13.00
S. Neul Topsoil (Cemetery grave) £ 68.00
Anglian Water Toilet water bill £ 54.92
Anglian Water Allotment water bill £ 77.64
St John's Chapel Room hire x 4 £ 120.00
LALC Annual Subscription £ 478.22
Receipts for Dec 24/Jan 25
JW Emberson Interment fee (Todd) £ 165.00
JW Emberson Interment fee (Sheridan) £ 165.00
HSBC MMK Interest £ 126.27
Bank balances as at 6/1/25
HSBC 793 £ 5,042.87
HSBC 386 £ 15,017.70
HSBC Money Market £ 13,631.78
Proposed to accept finances by Cllr Lukehurst, seconded by Cllr Kerman, all in favour.
Resolved: To accept finances.
11/25 EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS (for information purposes only)
HSBC Money Market account - capital and interest re-invested for 3 months at 3.55%.
Mr Ramsey, very kindly donated his time and equipment to replace light bulbs in the Market Place tree which had become waterlogged in recent storms. Clerk has emailed his employer to nominate him for "Employee of Month". His employer, McCann have also asked for photos of the tree for their social media sites, Clerk to arrange. The Parish Council wish to thank Mr Ramsey for his help over the Christmas period.
Clerk has applied to LCC for Station Rd to be put on the gritting route for 2025/26. The 1 tonne bag of free grit applied for in July is to be delivered on 20th January. Questions have been asked as to why it has taken so long to be delivered when recent bad weather has affected the roads and paths but the grit bins are empty. LCC asked for updates on their grit bin levels in August but have not to date replenished them. Clerk to email Cllr McNally with the details.
Installation of path to benches at crossroads. Lime trees. Salvation army/silver band quotes.
Thursday 13th February 2025,
*Monday 17th March 2025,
Thursday 10th April 2025, in the Chapel school room.
14/25 To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session - The Council decided not to go into closed session.
Meeting closed at 9.50pm.